Saturday, June 13, 2009

Some good, bad, and strange duets

Over at, Karen and John Hiatt are listed as one of the "good" duets. Read the full article: Some good, bad, and strange duets

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Saturday, June 06, 2009

Two new audio covers

A Google search turned up two new covers this week. First off is Ryan Walsh's (Hallelujah The Hills) cover of "Bright As Yellow" downloadable here (see the bottom of the linked page).

Also available on CD, and a streamable version, is Ronald of Orange's cover of "Today" on his debut EP, Brush Away the Cobwebs.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Donating just got easier

Running isn't free, and because the site does not receive any financial advertising support, that means I rely on donations to build the site for all you fans. So even if you just want to send a dollar, anything is acceptible. If you're strapped for cash, it's completely okay. All of the content on this site is free for everyone who visits.

Anyway, I've set up a more automated process for donating through Paypal. You no longer have to enter my email address to donate. It's all handled automatically by clicking the link below. For those wishing to see the financial balance sheets (which do not include personal purchases of Innocence Mission specific items), visit the disclaimer page.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Umbrella cover artwork explained

Here's a quote I found on an Innocence Mission Facebook group posting from May 4, 2009:

"I met Karen Peris on South Street in Philadelphia aboput ten years ago. The band was about to play a show, and she was doing some shopping. She was kind, very shy, and said that she was not used to fans approaching her on the street. She told me that the cover of Umbrella was an actual journal of hers, with the picture super imposed over it." - Gerard Schuler Jr

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Harvest Rock Syndicate article

Another rare photo of the band has turned up in the Harvest Rock Syndicate.

The article itself is more centered around Karen's personality and songwriting than any of the other band members, but it's an interesting read.