Thursday, November 09, 2017

New EP on the way

Karen posted a short animated video on the Innocence Mission Instagram page to announce a new 4 song EP The Snow on Pi Day. The new EP will be released on the band's web page on Tuesday, November 14th.

Source: Marco Regali Nai, Facebook group

Saturday, October 14, 2017

New album update

This time, it's just a visual update.

Photo by Don Peris:

Photo of Karen Peris by Mike Bitts:

Source: Don Peris/Mike Bitts, Facebook

Karen artwork follow-up from May

Karen has updated her artwork from an earlier sketch found here with some interesting details regarding a track that has "fallen away."

Source: Marco Regali Nai, Facebook group

Karen Peris interview at Cordella Magazine

In July, Philadelphia based Cordella Magazine published an interview with Karen Peris. You can read that interview in Issue #7.

Source: Andreas Ruhland, Facebook group

Sunday, October 01, 2017

A new short live video clip of "The Happy Mondays" has been posted on the band's Instagram page.

You can also watch it below.

playing the happy mondays today, because it's saturday (?)

A post shared by the innocence mission (@theinnocencemission) on

Source: Marco Regali Nai, Facebook group

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Karen Peris shares her voice on new Lost Horizons album

Cocteau Twins meets Jesus and Mary Chain - the debut LP Ojalá by Lost Horizons featuring Simon Raymonde and Richie Thomas on the Bella Union label. Karen Peris is the single vocalist on the song "The Places We've Been" which is the 2nd track on the forthcoming album due to be released on October 27th.

You can hear the track on Spotify or below. The album is currently available for pre-order on iTunes, Apple Music and Spotify.

Read more about the project here:

Source: Thomas Hollyday, Facebook group

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Hello I Feel The Same" poster now available

Now available on is a high gloss 16" x 20" extended poster from Hello I Feel The Same. The poster costs $9 and an additional $5 for shipping.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Upcoming album sketch artwork

Karen posted recently on Instagram a sketch that she's been working on for the next Innocence Mission album. Since this is just a "possible cover", this could be discarded. Either way, a new album is on the horizon as recording is still not yet complete according to her post.

"Hi Everyone. Almost finished recording, so just making sketches for a possible cover. Hope you are well."

A post shared by the innocence mission (@theinnocencemission) on "2017-05-20"
Source: Marco Regali, Facebook