Weathered (Starring Nicole Parker and Tony Hale) from Matt Barber on Vimeo.
Update 10/5/2009: Weathered walked away with multiple awards this past weekend at the Damah Film Festival. Honors included: Best Actress: Nicole Parker & Audience Award Best Film. The film is no longer available online, however you can see it live at the Heartland Film Festival.Original post: 9/6/09 5:49PM
The Innocence Mission's new recorded version of "Our Harry" can be heard for a limited time online in the film, Weathered, by indie filmmaker Matt Barber. "Brotherhood of Man" also makes an appearance. Weathered is an official selection in the Damah Film Festival. Please visit their site or view the film in person on October 3rd in Seattle, WA at 1:30 and 4:30pm at the Damah Film Festival.
The film has also been accepted to the Heartland Film Festival in Indianapolis, IN between October 15-24.